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Emissie hotspots van stikstofdioxide zichtbaar met de satelliet in Zuid-Afrika

Emission hotspots visible with satellite data

At the COP26 climate summit, discussions are currently underway on how to limit global warming to a maximum of 2 degrees. Understanding the major sources of pollution is crucial. Caeli provides this insight using both current and historical satellite data. This is not based on theoretical measurements, but on real-time information.

Measuring Emissions

While CO₂ (carbon dioxide) emissions are often derived from theoretical calculations, Caeli shows actual NO₂(nitrogen dioxide) emissions using real-time satellite data. NO₂(nitrogen dioxide) is released during fossil fuel combustion processes. Since NO₂(nitrogen dioxide) and CO₂ often occur together, NO₂(nitrogen dioxide) data can also help locate CO₂ sources.

NO₂concentration in a 100 x 100 meter area

Entities focused on reducing harmful emissions, such as governments and engineering firms, need up-to-date data to identify where action is required. Caeli provides highly precise satellite data on NO₂(nitrogen dioxide) concentrations, accurate to a 100 by 100 meter area. This means we can measure emissions from a specific coal mine in South Africa or a chimney in Mexico City. Additionally, we can assess the impact of closing the Hemweg power plant in Amsterdam at the end of 2019. For those starting with emission reduction efforts, a baseline measurement is available. This will help in later assessing the effectiveness of the measures.

Written by
Martin Smit
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